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Monday, May 20, 2024
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alive Editorial


6 Ways to Have an Eco-Friendly Holiday

The holidays can be a hazardous time for the environment. Thankfully, we\'ve compiled our best tips to celebrate the holidays in style and in an eco-friendly way.Between excessive meat consumption, inc

More Experts Weigh in on Limiting Kids' Screen Time

A kids’ health and psychology expert has just published a lead article in a British medical journal citing early childhood screen time as a significant cause of physical and mental health issues.A new

Reduce Your Child's Exposure to Toxic Chemicals

Children’s exposure to toxic chemicals could eventually result in a public health crisis. Learn how to minimize your children’s toxic exposure at home.Children are especially sensitive to environmenta

Happy Mother's Day!

Modern moms work hard inside - and outside - the home every day. How will you show your mom your appreciation on Mother’s Day?Sunday, May 12 is Mother’s Day. Here at alive, we’ve experienced a baby bo

From Mumbai to Your Kitchen: The Wonderful World of Tiffins

Go beyond the brown bag - tiffins make for a fun and versatile lunchtime accessory.We know that eating our lunches out of disposable plastic containers can be harmful for our bodies and the environmen

Good Parenting Is a Better Predictor for Academic Success

When it comes to a student’s academic success, studies show it’s the parents that matter.A new study from North Carolina State University, Brigham Young University, and the University of California, s

Natural Playgrounds Better, Says Study

Natural playgrounds (which incorporate elements such as trees and flowers) may inspire kids to be more active and use their imaginations.What image pops into your head when you think of what a playgro

Scent of a Shopper: What Smell Motivates People to Buy?

Can a scent motivate shoppers to buy? Researchers have found that a simple orange scent gets shoppers to open up their wallets.It’s that time of year when retail stores are decked out for the holidays

Could Reducing Salt Help Kids Lose Weight?

Studies suggest that children who eat salty snacks look for sugary drinks to wash them down. Researchers believe cutting down on salty snacks would help fight obesity.Another study, this one in Austra

Last-Minute Shopping to Do? Go With Your Gut

Still have some big decisions to make before Christmas? Trust your intuition for the best results.Still have some last minute holiday shopping to do? Experts suggest that gut decisions are really the

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